Your first visit to this blog? I encourage you to visit my old blog, soon to disappear into cyber wasteland, complements of Apple who is eliminating their web hosting service. I have many thoughts about this, given I have many web sites through the MobileMe service Apple provided. There is my photo web site, travel web site, a site to showcase, and occasionally sell, photo cards, a site for a friend's art, and several more. MobileMe, coupled with the software program iWeb, allowed people with creative, but not technological, inclinations to have a presence on the Internet, to share with family, friends, or the world at large their creativity. It was an affordable ($100 a year) way for tens of thousands of small businesses to have a web site. Those businesses are now scrambling to budget for new, and salvage old, web sites before their businesses disappear from the web.
Apple computers are a good tool, I own one, and I enjoyed the web service Apple provided. Like much in life, I had a vague belief there was a level of permanence to what I was creating. I'm relieved to know, if not so happy about it, that although I spent hundreds of hours doing web designing, posted hundreds of photos, dozens of stories, family history, the beautiful art of a friend, it is all as transitory as life in the ‘real world’. Even in the virtual, human created world of the Internet, there is a life cycle, an unpredictable end. Here cyber space is behaving like Nature. There is hope!
So as I prepare for my ‘cyber death’ I do as many people do when preparing for death, take stock, evaluate, let go. What an amazing opportunity Apple has provided!
And I can create my own reincarnation here on Blogger! Perhaps I should have called my blog “Reincarnation”, but that has probably been done already.